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DVD Version on Windows 7
Note: There are different installation media available
- DVD with V1.0 and Starforce-protection
- DVD with V1.1 ,without Starforce-protection (often referred as CBS-Version in the Forum)
- Steam-Version, probably like the CBS-Version. (the author knows nothing about the steam-Installation, if someone can edit here and give installation hints?)
We start from an unpatched, naked DVD Version 1.0:
- install the game - do not start the game yet!
- it can be a good idea to set the access rights of the GTL-folder to "all", as well as set the linkage to start GTL (and autoupdater) with admin rights.
- install the official patch 1.1 - do not start the game yet! (this isn't necessary if you have already version 1.1 running, of course)
- open the autoupdater, go to "tweaks" and "GTL-patch", install it [[1]][[2]].
- now your installation is ready to run.
- start the download of cars and tracks via the autoupdater (around 20GB)
- you can unlock all tracks and cars via the autoupdater "tweaks" (create TG2001.DYN) and set new car-prizes. Please do not set the prices to "0", as you can't sell the cars afterwards.
- for the mentioned TG2001.DYN to work, you have to create a new profile within GTL. (hint: if you want to save or reuse an old profile, save your UserData-folder, delete your old profile and recreate a profile with the old name, then copy the old UserData-folder over the newly created)
- if you use Win7 64-Bit with more than 2 GB RAM, it's a good idea to go to the autoupdater "commands" and install the 4GB-Patch. GTL is now able to use more than 2 GB of RAM.
- create an online account and join the races!
- as there are obscurities sometimes: The online account within GTL has nothing to do with the Altbierbude-account. Nevertheless it's a good idea to use the same Nicknames on both accounts. To create an online account within GTL: click on the left button of the online-screen. Fill out the form. click on the right button to continue.